1 min readJan 15, 2023


I'm sorry you have to see and deal with his death Leon. I'm sorry that this young man decided that he had no other choice than getting out of his life situation by killing himself and we NEED to be sorry as a society that he dad being there for 2 weeks without anyone from his own circle of family, friends, neighbours noticing that he was missing!

That's why I believe that the patriarcal style of the police force should change from "man up" meaning don't have or show your feelings, from sharing daily like a group therapy, individual therapy as mandatory after confronting extremes deaths scenes etc, maybe than the police force will be more empathetic to human suffering, less racist, misogynistic, homophobic, etc? Be in touch with your own humanity, and pain, and flaws before been paid with public funds to take care of the society...

Thanks for sharing, and take care :)




Feminist, non-conformist, a foreigner living in a so called "developed" country